
Blackburn Youth Zone is proud to announce Fogartys Insurance has joined the Youth Zone’s Patron Network.


Fogartys Insurance is a family ran business based in Cherry Tree Blackburn who specialises in all aspects of insurance. The family-run business ran by Phil, Richard and Brian Fogarty have all agreed to pledge their support in investing in the next generation of the town after having a tour of the £5 million facilities.

Blackburn Youth Zone is located in the centre of Blackburn. It exists to create a positive future for young people of Blackburn with Darwen, promoting cohesion, skills & aspirations, and health & wellbeing. The youth zone has a growing membership of almost 3,000 young people aged 5-19 (up to 25 with disabilities) and receives up to 900 visits each week.

Support from local businesses and individuals is crucial to the ongoing success of Blackburn Youth Zone. In order to provide the support that young people deserve, Blackburn Youth Zone needs to raise a minimum of £1million every year – 75% of this comes from fundraising, including support from local businesses. 

Andrew Graham MBE, Founder of Blackburn Youth Zone said:

“Blackburn Youth Zone proudly welcome Fogartys Insurance to our Patron family, it’s great to have a family business coming on board supporting Blackburn Youth Zone vision. We have such a strong network that keeps supporting and investing in the next generation” 

Phil Fogarty, Fogartys Insurance said:

“Fogartys Insurance are delighted to be supporting Blackburn Youth Zone and to be welcomed into the patron network. We strongly believe in the Youth Zone’s vision and investing in the next generation as this will help shape a bright and prosperous future for the borough”