
During the October half term in 2018 BYZ were funded kindly by Tony Cann to run a week-long trip to the Peak District. The aim of the residential trip was to engage a group of young people to take part in outdoor activities in the Peak District, exploring the scenic outdoors. It also aimed at creating awareness of Hate Crime through a range of activities and workshops that were tied in to link to Hate Crime Awareness Week and ultimately support young people to celebrate the diversity of the town.


We recruited a group of 12 young people aged 15 and under, these were specifically targeted from hard to reach communities who would not normally get opportunities for breaks and outdoor activities.


The group took part in a range of outdoor activities including cycling, walking, exploring caverns and much more. In the evenings we took part in a Hate Crime awareness project, which culminating in young people producing short role plays and sketches around challenging hate crime.