
Young SoupOTG Crowdfunding Launch – Blackburn

A community “Dragons Den” style scheme for youth-led social projects

Wednesday 28 November 19.15-20.30

SoupOnTheGo provides individuals, community groups, charities and local causes with an opportunity to receive funding for community causes and start-up projects.


SoupOTG is a community crowdfunding project that is coming to Blackburn Youth Zone. The project runs events to support the set up of social enterprises, community and charitable projects. 

Blackburn Youth Zone has partnered with SoupOTG to deliver a youth-led version of their popular event format. 

Young People will be supported with skills workshops and mentoring to prepare a pitch for a project that adds social value to their community. Entries will be short-listed by a panel and the shortlisted few will be invited to deliver a presentation at the final pitch night in February. Should they win the pitch, they’ll secure starter funding to launch their idea. The funding is generated from a base donation by SoupOTG funders and attendee donations on the pitch night who get a hot meal and a vote in return.

The SoupOTG Team and Blackburn Youth Zone will coordinate the skills workshops and mentoring to support the pitch development process. The pitch night will be a public event open to the local residential and business communities plus friends and supporters of the Youth Zone. 

Our Young SoupOTG Crowdfunding event will support young people at Blackburn Youth Zone to pitch for micro-funding to start up or complete projects that young people want.

If you are a local business or community member interested in this local project and the development of young people, come along to our short information night on 28th November to find out more. If you can’t attend but would like to offer help with the workshops, mentoring and supporting the panel of judges, please drop us a line separately.



Soup On The Go Crowdfunding Events is a soup-catered social evening and funding initiative running in the NorthWest that supports local people and projects. Run by Cheshire business women Sam Newey, Catherine Sandland and Kirsty James.


Thank you to all our organisers and sponsors of our events including The Ideas Pot (Sam Newey), Whitehart Training (Catherine Sandland) and Colony Networking (Kirsty James).
